We know we need water to survive, but most of us take it for granted, and don't drink enough of it. There are studies which show in addition to hydration, drinking water help speed up weight loss.
What's make it so special?
1) Water is essential for your body
We've heard our bodies are 70% water, so it makes sense that we need more of it. Water is essential for every part of your body, from cells to body functions. It flushes toxins from our body, prevents fatigue, and accelerates weight loss.
2) It increases the rate people burn calories
There are studies which shows drinking cold water increase weight loss because the body burns calories to heat the water to a usable temperature. The Berlin's Franz-Volhared Clinical research center said metabolic rates increased by 30% for men and women within 10-40 minutes of drinking about two glasses of water.
3) Helps you to stay hydrated:
When your body is dehydrated, it makes up for it by storing in the water for later, and of course we know it could be in our legs, ankles, lungs and abdomen. What most of us don't know, the way to reduce this storage is to drink more of it.
How can you increase the water consumption? Good question, I'm glad you asked it..
Rehydrate each morning. Have water with meals instead of other beverages. Thirst is a signal that you are dehydrated, so get enough water before you feel thirsty.
Hope this little tip helps you in your weight loss goal...
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